Posts in macbooks
MacBook Pro Screen Repairs

Most macbook glass screen repairs start at only $150 (+tax) and will not delete any information on your computer during the repair process. 

If your LCD is cracked under the glass then you might need an additional part to fix your computer, either way we offer all repairs for macbooks and macbook pros. Trust the pros at Wires Computing to repair all your computer needs. 

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New Mac OS X ransomware

Update: Version 2.92 of Transmission has now been released. This claims to actively remove the ‘KeyRanger’ malware files from the infected Mac.

OS X users have today been hit with the first known case of Mac ‘ransomware’ malware, found in the Transmission BitTorrent client released last week. Infected versions of the app include ‘KeyRanger’ malware that will maliciously encrypt the user’s hard drive after three days of being installed. The malware then asks for payment to allow the user to decrypt the disk and access their data — the ‘ransom’.

As reported by Palo Alto Networks, Apple has already taken steps to curb the spread of the malware through its Gatekeeper security system. This means the infected version of Transmission will no longer install, but it does not help those who have already been affected. Transmission is urgently recommending people upgrade to the latest version of its software, 2.91.

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